2019 Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Hi Everyone, Dutch here again and yep I still like treats! You are probably reading this letter after Christmas because my mom likes to wait until the last minute and then something comes up and you guessed it, LATE! Sometimes she even forgets to give me my treat when I come in from protecting the back yard, but I forgive her because then the next time I get two (gosh I love treats!). So yeah, she waited until the week before Christmas to start getting the Christmas cards ready and then found out that a week before Christmas they had to get all of Gramma Judy’s “junk” out of her house because it was going to belong to the new people on December 20. Elliot calls it Gramma Judy’s “junk” because one day he asked what all the junk in the garage was and dad replied that it was from Gramma Judy’s house. I don’t think it’s junk because sometimes I find something that smells like her and I like that.

So, if you didn’t know yet my Gramma Judy went to live in heaven this past summer. Man she always gave me so many treats! The best is when she could still drive and we would go and get either a cheeseburger or ice cream cone. But even after she couldn’t drive anymore she still made someone bring me a treat. Usually Aunt Margie, Aunt Karen or Uncle Bubba would bring something and then it was an extra treat because I got to smell, I mean see, them too. It makes me sad because I miss her but mom says that God needed her help to take care of us. I just wish I could figure out how to get treats from her in heaven. Hey, maybe when I find something yummy in the yard it’s from her. That’s it, treats from heaven!

Our GG (Grandma Traynor) went to live in heaven this year too. It made everyone very sad but Mom says that she is at peace and can hear and see again. She also gets to see Papa Skip and hang out with Gramma Judy again which sounds pretty good to me.

Mom got another job last January working for an old college friend at a sign making shop. I don’t know her or how she smells yet but mom says someday I will meet her. Mom sure does stink when she comes home from working there! They must have really good treats to put up with that smell. She doesn’t fool me it’s probably those peanut M&M’s I smell on her breath, I love those too! She still works a few days at the flower shop, cleans church and takes care of all of us. So if it makes her happy to go and get stinky Dad is more than happy to let her.

As for Dad, we officially have a “boy’s club”! We finally got cement in our pole barn this spring and us boys spent a lot of evenings having treats and just hanging out. It’s great because Dad works on whatever he works on, Elliot plays in the sand and I take naps and eat treats. I have to make sure to eat all the treats because Dad says mice will come. We built a pretty cool hunting blind this fall. Once hunting season started Elliot and I had to stay home because the deer were scared of me and Elliot was too loud. I don’t mind at all because I get more treats at home but Elliot hated Dad going without him.

Lydia started Kindergarten this year and she gets to ride the bus. Because I am such a big strong boy, Mom has me go out to protect them while they wait for the bus. In the afternoon, I wait at the door and bark as soon as I see the bus to let mom know she is coming. I get to run out and meet her in the driveway when she gets off the bus. She gets mad when I slobber on her but I know she loves me because she still gives me treats.

We went camping a lot this summer! Our camper was at the same spot as last year and there was this new girl dog with a pink collar that would walk past our campsite and pee on the tree right in front of me. She would act shy sometimes, but I know she thought I was handsome because Mom said so. I almost forgot about treats when she would walk by, almost. I won’t get to see her next year because we bought a fixer-upper cabin by our favorite George Lake and won’t be camping as much. Dad has been working on it every chance he can so that we can start staying up there overnight.

I stay home now when Mom goes to work because she says I have to protect the house. I miss going to hang out with Grandpa Al and Grandma Mary but it’s just too crazy there when all the kids are there! Oh yeah, we got a new Revord this year! Uncle Matt and Aunt Deniege had a little boy in March and he is soooo cute! I can’t wait until he is old enough to drop me some treats!

Uncle J is still living in Tennessee. I miss him. Dad calls him on Facetime and I get to hear his voice and sometimes I even get to see him! He comes home for Christmas and I am so excited because I haven’t seen him in forever! Mom, Dad, Elliot, Lydia, Grandma and Grandpa took a trip to see him but I couldn’t go. I didn’t mind at all because I got to stay with Uncle Bubba and Aunt Karen. I had so much fun! I got to tease their cats, get treats Aunt Karen brushed me like almost every day and I got to hang out with Uncle Bubba in the “man cave”!

Gramma Judy’s cat Sparkle came to live with us. She is pretty cool and a great hunter. Almost too good because now I have no rabbits to chase! I guess its ok because I do need some help keeping the yard safe for the chickens. I just hope she isn’t the one that ate one of Mom’s chickens this week!

If I haven’t smelled, I mean seen you in a while, stop over and bring me a treat…PLEASE!

Much Love,

From Dutch and The Rest of the Family too

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